Monday, March 7, 2016

Five Tips to Inspire Future Authors

People ask my advice about becoming a writer and I laugh. I’m still learning the craft myself. But I can suggest a couple of things that I did that helped me get on the right path...

1. Join a writing group: 
The first thing I can suggestion is to find a writing group. It’s important that you meet with a group of people who like to read and write in the same genre you write in. If you can’t meet in person, your group can exchange pages online. Be sure you read your work and theirs out loud.

2. Accept Constructive Criticism: 
The second thing I learned to do was accept criticism of my work. This is hard. We all get attached to our writing. But for me, the scene I see in my head doesn’t always appear on the paper, or if it does, it can often be written better. I need to know this.

3. Join a Writing Organization:
The third helpful tip is to join a local or national writing organization. Most large cities host these types of groups. I write Young Adult and found The Society of Book Writers and Illustrators, (SCBWI) very helpful. They hold monthly meetings, a yearly conference where publishers come to meet prospective authors, and most importantly, they have a list of writers who are looking for writing groups.

4. READ:
My fourth suggestion is to read as much as you can, and especially in the genre you are writing in. When you read a novel with a great voice, take note. An interesting plot, analyze it. A fun or unique phrase, think about it...

Most importantly, make time to write. Some writers set aside the same time every day. I write one or two days a week. It’s not a race, but you do have to keep at it. And life is always trying to interfere.

But If I can write two novels and get them published, you can too.

I can’t wait to read your story!

-Brenda Beem

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